Intended Audience:
Senior developers, DevOps engineers and Cloud Architects, with good familiarity with Docker and Cloud concepts.

Everyone talks about Kubernetes lately, and they should. Kubernetes is now the market leader in container orchestration platforms, and has been adopted by all major cloud providers as a fully managed offering (GCP, AWS, Azure, Oracle Cloud), Kubernetes is being adopted in a growing rate for multiple use cases – as micro-services workloads, Big Data, and Machine Learning.


  • Basic Docker familiarity
  • Basic Linux command line familiarity


  • The overall goal of the course is to get to know Kubernetes.
  • This tool will teach you to synchronize the containers reliably and efficiently, so you will be able to automatically manage and deploy applications on containers that appear on the server


What Next?

Module 01 – Introduction

Workshop Objectives

Workshop Agenda

Kubernetes Introduction

Module 02 – Kubernetes Architecture

Core Concepts

High-Level components Architecture

Master Components

Worker Node Components

Putting All Together

Additional Services

Module 03 – YAML and Kubctl



Lab 01: Setting Up Your Workstation

Module 04 – Kubernetes Basics

Kubernetes Building Blocks



Replication Sets

Lab 02: Creating Our First Pod

Module 05 – Deployments and Upgrades


Rolling Upgrades

Lab 03: Deploy and Upgrade a Single Service

Module 06 – Labels and Annotations




Module 07 – Kubernetes Networking

Kubernetes Networking Introduction

Container Network Interface (CNI)

CNI Plugins

Fundamental Networking Rules

Networking patterns

Module 08 – Services

Services Introduction

Service Types – ClusterIP

Service Types – NodePort

Service Types – LoadBalancer

Service Types – ExternalName

Lab 04: Creating a Load Balancer Service

Module 09 – Ingress

Introduction to Ingress

Ingress Controllers

Lab 05: Deploying applications using Ingress

Module 10 – ConfigMaps and Secrets


ConfigMaps – As Environment Variables

ConfigMaps – As Volumes


Lab 06: Using ConfigMaps and Secrets

Module 11 – Jobs and CronJobs



Lab 07: Running Jobs and CronJobs

Module 12 – Deamonsets


Lab 08: Running Pods as DaemonSets

Module 13 – Helm Package Manager

What is Helm?

Helm Concepts

Helm Architecture


Helm CLI

Using Helm Charts

Lab 09: Deploying Applications using Helm

Module 14 – Managed Kubernetes

Local Development Kubernetes

Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform (GKE)

Kubernetes on Amazon Web Services (EKS)

Kubernetes on Microsoft Azure (AKS)

Kubernetes On-Premise using Kubeadm and Kubespray

Other Kubernetes Distributions

Module 15 – Advanced Scheduling

Requests & Limits

Taints & Tolerations

Affinity & Anti-Affinity

Module 16 – Autoscaling

Scaling pods horizontally

Scaling pods vertically

Scaling cluster horizontally

Lab 10: Configuring Autoscaling

Module 17 – Kubernetes Storage






Module 18 – StatefulSets


Lab 11: Working with StatefulSets

Module 19 – Summary

Course Summary

09:00 - 16:00 Hayarkon 2 Bnei Brak Floor 17


Avichay is a DevOps engineer with extensive experience in streamlining workflows, automating processes, and driving continuous improvement across diverse environments. With a strong focus on team leadership and implementing strategic DevOps practices, he has successfully optimized development pipelines and ensured seamless integration between development and operations teams.

Avichay Hartov Avichay Hartov
  • Date : 20-03-2025 - 27-03-2025
  • Time : 09:00 - 16:00 (Asia/Jerusalem)
  • Venue : Sela

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