Helm (Kubernetes)

Introduction to Helm

  • Overview of Helm:
    • What is Helm?
    • Benefits of using Helm in Kubernetes
    • Helm Architecture (Helm CLI, Charts, Releases, Repositories)
  • Helm vs. plain Kubernetes manifests

Creating a Basic Helm Chart

  • Create a simple Helm chart from scratch:
    • Structure of a Helm chart (Chart.yaml, values.yaml, templates/)
    • Writing basic templates for Kubernetes resources (Deployment, Service)
    • Packaging and installing the chart
    • Exploring the release in the Kubernetes cluster

Advanced Helm Chart Features

  • Exploring Helm values and template functions:
    • Using values.yaml for customization
    • Conditional and loop structures in templates
    • Common Helm template functions (include, required, lookup, etc.)
  • Chart dependencies and sub-charts:
    • Managing dependencies in requirements.yaml
    • Best practices for structuring sub-charts

Advanced Helm Chart Customization

  • Implementing advanced features in a Helm chart:
    • Adding configuration for multiple environments
    • Managing secrets and sensitive data
    • Creating reusable templates
  • Deploying and testing the chart with customized values

Helm Chart Best Practices

  • Helm chart versioning and repository management:
    • Semantic versioning for Helm charts
    • Publishing charts to a Helm repository
  • Best practices for maintaining Helm charts:
    • Keeping charts DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself)
    • Writing clean and maintainable templates
    • Security considerations (managing secrets, validating inputs)
    • Testing Helm charts (linting, unit testing, and CI/CD integration)

Implementing Best Practices

  • Refactoring an existing chart to follow best practices:
    • Adding linting and basic testing to a chart
    • Improving the structure and readability of templates
    • Securing sensitive values using Helm best practices
  • Deploying the refactored chart and verifying improvements

Troubleshooting and Debugging Helm Charts

  • Common issues with Helm charts and how to troubleshoot them:
    • Debugging template errors
    • Handling failed deployments
    • Upgrading and rolling back releases
  • Hands-on debugging session:
    • Participants troubleshoot pre-prepared faulty charts
    • Discussing solutions and prevention strategies

09:00 - 15:00 Hayarkon 2 Bnei Brak

Helm (Kubernetes)

  • Date : 12-12-2024
  • Time : 09:00 - 15:00 (Asia/Jerusalem)

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